Since the dawn of creation, the wilderness has long served as a powerful metaphor for life. From the dry heat of a barren desert to the flowing river teeming with life; from the "birds-eye" perspective of the mountaintop to the fearsome disquiet of a thunderstorm, the wilderness brings us face-to-face with ourselves, as well as bringing us face-to-face with the God who comforts, sustains, disquiets, and disrupts.
In fact, the wilderness has long served as our first and greatest sanctuary: A place of magnitude and beauty where the playful creativity of God and the movement of God's ongoing work of creation is constantly on display.
At Sacred SoulScapes, we believe that as human beings, we are created to be connected with the natural world, and that this connection with the outdoors naturally facilitates a deeper connection with the divine.
What's Coming Up:
- Sat, Feb 15Middle Creek Conservation Trail
- Wed, Mar 12Bullfrog Valley Park
- Sun, Apr 20Hummel Nature Trail
- Sat, Jul 26Sullivan County
- Sat, Sep 20Clarence Schock Memorial Park