Searching for Joy Archives
Thank you for participating in Searching for Joy: Yoga for Ministry Professionals!
Here you will find the archive of all videos and reflections from the course.
May 16, 2024
Week 7: Play
The Psalm used in this week's class is from the book Psalms for Young Children by Marie-Helene Delval (Eerdmans, 2008).
Reflection: On Playfulness
May 9, 2024
Week 6: Laughter
The poem used in this week's class is titled "For Equilibrium" by John O'Donoghue, published in his book To Bless the Space between Us (Doubleday, 2008).
For this week's class, we recommend using a strap (or belt, scarf, or necktie).
Reflection: On Laughter
May 2, 2024
Week 5: Grounding & Creation
Note: If able, please consider doing today's class in an outdoor space!
Reflection: On Digging in Dirt
April 25, 2024
Week 4: Inspiration & Creativity
The poem used in this week's class is titled "Mindful" by Mary Oliver, published in her book Why I Wake Early (Beacon Press, 2004).
Reflection: On Writer's Block
April 18, 2024
Week 3: Relationship & Connection
Note: For this week's class, we will be utilizing a yoga strap as a prop. Good substitutes for a strap include a belt, scarf, necktie, or even a long-sleeved t-shirt or rolled up towel. Our apologies for the video and sound quality during the first 45 seconds - we forgot to start the video recording!
The poem used in this week's class is titled "A Purification" by Wendell Berry, published in his book New Collected Poems (Counterpoint, 2012).
Reflection: On Conflict
April 11, 2024
Week 2: Energy & Attention
The poem used in this week's class is titled "A Morning Offering" by John O'Donoghue, published in his book To Bless the Space between Us (Doubleday, 2008).
Reflection: On Focus
April 4, 2024
Week 1: Gratitude & Intention
Note: For our first yoga class, we will be making limited use of a yoga block, to make one or two of our poses more accessible. A heavy water bottle or a stack of books (i.e. hymnals or large commentaries) make excellent substitutes for a block.
Reflection: On Exhaustion